Kee Safety Kee Safety is a leading global supplier of fall protection and safe access products, services and training.

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Social Responsibility

Our commitment to ethics and the environment.

Our Values and Beliefs

Because Kee Safety is a global leader in intelligent, off-the-ground safety solutions, we go about our business responsibly. Our ethical, environmental, and social policies are wholly supported by all members of the Kee Safety board and wider management team. The reputation of our company and the trust and confidence of those who deal with us is our most important resource. As a result our loyalty to all our policies is crucial and underpins our business.

Our Policies

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Labour Policy

All employment should be freely chosen in line with the Modern Slavery Act – 2015. Child labor must not be used at any time or for any purpose in the supply of materials or products. All businesses must ensure that any kind of slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor or human trafficking does not occur in any part of our business or in our supply chains.

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Working Conditions Policy

All working conditions and environments must be safe and in accordance with relevant regional or national laws. Working hours must be in accordance with local, national or regional guidelines or legislation. Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. Abuse, harassment, intimidation or any form of bullying will not be tolerated. People will be treated with respect at all times.

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Recruitment Policy

Kee Safety firmly believes that its employees are the key to its success. We will aim to recruit and promote on the basis of merit alone. The highest levels of personal integrity must be maintained at all times by all our team. Inappropriate inducement or bribery, received or given, will never be tolerated.

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Environmental Policy

Kee Safety will seek to minimise its environmental impact whenever or wherever possible and to comply with all the relevant environmental legislation in any country we operate in.

Added to this, we have a target of reducing any waste, and that any waste produced will be 100% recycled. This strategy was rolled out in Cradley Heath, UK in 2019 and in 12 months resulted in the recycling of 31.82 tons of waste wood and cardboard. As each ton recycled saves approximately 17 trees, so in 2019 we saved around 541 trees. This figure continues to grow year on year.

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Advertising Policy

Kee Safety believes that integrity in dealings with customers is a necessity for a successful trading relationship. To that end, we will avoid untruths, concealment and overstatement in all advertising and other public communications.

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Privacy Policy

We will ensure that we give the same degree of confidentiality to customer information as we do with our own confidential information. All employees must act with the highest levels of personal integrity – as such, bribery or facilitation payments will never be acceptable.

Privacy Policy
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International Business Policy

We’re committed to respecting and obeying local, national and international laws, and other relevant legislation relevant within each community and country that we operate in. At all times we will respect the traditions, cultures and beliefs of each country in which we operate.

Added to this, we will aim to seek out internally, and within our supply chain or contractor/client operations, and report to the relevant authorities any company/person that’s involved in the following:

  • Slavery or servitude
  • Individuals having to perform forced or compulsory labor
  • The travel of a person with a view to their exploitation in any respect
  • The use of vulnerable people in a way that someone not vulnerable would be likely to refuse to be used for the same purpose
Full Ethical Policy